Current & Prospective Students

Submitting your application

Accommodation procedures

JB Marks Education Trust Fund pays for students’ accommodation on campus. Only the following off-campus accommodations are JB Marks approved for students to reside during the course of their studies:

University of Johannesburg

Vaal University/North-West University

CUT/ UFS Bloemfontein

Monash University

Results Submission

Academic records must be submitted to JB Marks as soon as they are released. They can be sent to or faxed to 086 537 6289. Alternatively, you can call the office and speak to Vonani Mabuza.

Students who do not comply will have their accounts deactivated. If you do not send your academic record, no payment will be made to your tuition, accommodation and meal allowance.

Meal Allowance

Meal allowance is valid to all students for 10 months only.

Students receive a JB Marks meal card that is loaded monthly, from February each year.

The meal cards are only valid at the following outlets:

  • Shoprite Checkers and Checkers
  • Selected Boxers
  • Selected Spars
  • Selected Pick ’n Pay
  • Selected outlets in different institutions

Book Allowance

JB Marks Education Trust Fund will only pay for prescribed books from the following bookshops, please send the quotations to Judy Tsolo on the following email addresses: or alternatively, call the office and ask to speak to Judy.

Book Store Description
Van Schaik The Trust has an account with Van Schaik. Students must ask for quotations from the bookstore. Quotations on prescribed books of study are to be sent to or

Students are to send the Trust an invoice from the bookstore; it takes the trust 7 working days to make a payment. Proof of payment (POP) will be sent to students following a payment from the Trust. Students are to produce the POP to the bookstore in order to receive their books.


Preparing for your first year

What Former Students Say

Nandipha Spencer – Law (University of Witwatersrand)

“Don’t lose focus; you realize on your first day on campus just how big the university is; don’t let that make you believe that you are small or irrelevant. Use that as a motivator to leave a lasting impression and make your mark. The only way to be ready is to trust yourself, to do your research and to believe in yourself” 

Tankiso Pitso – International Relations (Monash University)

“Remember Who you are, why you are here, and what you want to achieve.  Let that guide you; let that be something you remember every morning when you wake up. Look into the mirror and answer those three questions” 

Kebeileng Mokgotlo – Audiovisual (Boston Media House)

Study, study and study! Use the library and use the internet. Attend class, no one is going to monitor whether you go to class or not, but take responsibility, what happens with your life and your education is chiefly up to you.  There is no such thing as a stupid question when you don’t know something – ask! Don’t be a loner; make friends, and make sure they are the kind of friends with the same goals and values as you. Stay away from “blessers”, don’t party too hard to the detriment of your education, if you have to party, do so responsibly

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