Who we are
JB Marks Education Trust Fund was founded in 1997 by the NUM
The JB Marks Education Trust Fund was established by the National Union Mineworkers (NUM) in 1997 to empower members and their dependents, particularly members in the mining, energy, construction, and metal sectors. The Trust is named after John Beaver Marks, a leading figure in the mineworkers’ struggle against exploitation. He was a vocal advocate of education as an empowerment tool and a vital weapon in the fight against poverty.
In our first year, we could only help 53 beneficiaries. Our work has expanded massively since then, and an important milestone was reached in 2017 when we became a 100% self-administered fund.
The Trust’s target for educational support
Our Trust provides educational support to current National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) members, retrenched members, retired members, and their dependents. Members must be in good standing with the union to be eligible for funding.
We aim to enable better education, opportunities, and a better life. In exceptional cases, we help learners from lower grades, from 1 to 12. Still, we focus mainly on students working toward degrees and other qualifications at universities, colleges, and the University of Technology.
We provide bursaries. You provide commitment and dedication to your studies.
We pay for…
- registration
- tuition
- exams
- textbooks
- extra lessons by tutors
- meals
- accommodation
We also pay for full-time and part-time correspondence courses.
We help as many bursars as possible, depending on funding availability. The fund caters to 250 students annually (200 undergraduates and 50 postgraduates). Since 2020, the Trust has added 20 more bursaries to fund NUM members at the postgraduate level.